Order Form

Order Form
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To order products from us, simply print out this page by using your browser's "print" function.  Complete the form and mail it to us  with a check for the proper amount. Please include your e-mail and/or phone in case we need to contact you. Mail to:  Comfort Theatre Company, 2104 Pendar Lane, Sioux Falls, SD 57105.   You'll have your stuff in a week or so!

Name: ___________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________


State: __________________ Zip ______________________

E-mail: __________________________________________

Phone: __________________________________________

               Quantity                                      Cost

East of Westreville-Waitin'... 
    __CD $15                                             _______

Kaija sings Patsy-Volume 1       
    __CD $15                                             _______

Kaija sings Patsy-Volume 2      
    __CD $15                                             _______

$3 per order                                                                       _______

TOTAL ENCLOSED                                                     $_______              


Sales tax is included in the cost of all items



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The South Dakota Arts Council
Support is provided with funds from
the State of South Dakota through the Department of
Tourism and from the National Endowment for the Arts

Contact us by clicking here
2104 Pendar Lane, Sioux Falls, SD 57105 
(605) 373-9650 

© Copyright 2013
by The Comfort Theatre Company
All rights reserved.